Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mary Kay Andrews

Summer is coming up and if you are looking for some good summer reads for the pool or back porch, than I have just the author for you! After reading her first book, "Savannah Blues",(I just happened to stumble on it in the bookstore) I was hooked and immediately went back to buy her other novels.

All her stories take place in the South (my fav - I think if I were to pick up a book that was based up North, I wouldn't get past chapter one). And all her main characters are strong independent/stubborn women (they kind of remind me of Scarlet- my favorite heroin of all time!). Oh, and all her main characters are amazing at what she calls "junking" - I use the term thrifting, my mama would be proud! And junking is one of Mary Kay Andrews favorite hobby's as well. She has a beach house in Tybee Island that one day, I plan on renting and taking a girl's trip to visit.

All these books are a must read!

This past summer, she came out with her newest book, "The Fixer Upper"
This book just happened to come out on my birthday! And my amazing best friend got it for me as a present (one of the many, she had a scavenger hunt for me). And the best part was that same week, Mary Kay Andrews came to Lexington! I got to meet her and have her sign my book...and Stef, the best friend that she is, came along as well.
She was telling us that for some of the names she uses in her stories, she looks in the obituary section and she said one time she came across the funniest name, Picklesimer - she thought it was a hoot! I thought it was a hoot because my law firm used to be called Picklesimer, Pohl, Kiser & Aubrey. Glad it's not anymore, that would be a mouth load telling people where I worked! I hope she has a new book out soon and makes another trip to Lexington!

So Mary Kay Andrews, I think you deserve a big Derby Hats Off - thank you for writing such lovely and entertaining Southern novels! Maybe one day you can write about a Kentucky girl fixing up a townhouse and the chaos of planning a wedding at the same time ;)

Mary Kay Andrews is also a fellow blogger, check out her site!


Mary Kay Andrews said...

Thanks so much for your sweet post. You're truly a Joy! Stay sweet, now.

Stef said...

OMG! MKA commented on your post! That is ridiculously awesome. We are big fans of yours! Tybee trip 2K11, here we come!

Also, tell me more about this amazing best friend of yours... she sounds like one of the most awesome people ever! ;)

Mary Carolyn Rentz said...

How fun! I have been looking for a new book to start, and these sound perfect!